オールデイ ダイニング「フレンチ キッチン」にて、モンブランや洋梨とキャラメルのムースケーキなど、秋ならではの味わいがそろうアフタヌーンティーを、11月1日(金)よりお楽しみいただけます。


Starting November 1, The French Kitchen invites you to discover an autumn afternoon tea that showcases seasonal ingredients including chestnut, pumpkin and pear. From Mont Blanc to caramel pear mousse cake, each of our exquisite sweets beautifully captures the flavors of the season.
These delightful treats are complemented by savory bistro dishes, such as pumpkin and chestnut croquette and buckwheat crepes filled with sweet potato puree and pastrami pork.
Join us for a memorable experience that celebrates the flavors of fall in the elegant setting of The French Kitchen.

#グランドハイアット東京 #grandhyatttokyo

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